Crystalline Firing Process

I provide this as a starting point for you to find what works best. I have consistently had good results with this Crystalline firing schedule.

However, your firing process may be quite different. Climate, clay body, kiln, and even the size of crystals you want can impact how you fire.

Keep good notes so you can track what works and doesn’t work.

I know this can be super frustrating, but keep tweaking until you get the results you want.

My Setup

Climate: Very Dry
Kiln: Skutt 1027 (programmable)
Claybody: Lagauna Porcelain - Cone 10
Fluke Temperature Meter to verify Skutt Temperatures

Kiln Program

The average firing time is between 15 and 16 hours. Why is this so long? Our kilns can not heat up as fast as the rate we set it to. Especially at the high temps as in Segment 5. I set it for a rate of 108℉/hr but the temp may rise slower than that. It’s ok.

The cooling time can add over 12 hours to this firing time. Let it cool until below 100°F.

There are 6 segments total.

Segment 1
Rate: 100℉/hr
To: 160℉

Segment 2
Rate 200℉/hr
To: 250℉

Segment 3
Rate: 400℉/hr
To: 1150℉

Segment 4
Rate: 300℉/hr
To: 2100℉

Segment 5
Rate: 108℉/hr
To: 2345℉

Hold at 2345℉ for 20 minutes

Segment 6
Rate: 5000℉/hr (This is right. You want the kiln temp to drop as fast as possible)
To: 2020℉

Hold at 2020℉ for 4 hours

Let cool until less than 100℉!


Crystalline Glaze Formula


A Little About Crystalline Glazes