Experimenting with VQGAN +CLIP

Until a few weeks ago I had never heard of VQGAN +CLIP. I had heard of people using machine learning and artificial intelligence to create art (music, drawings, scenes for gaming).

I started seeing all sorts of ‘weird’ videos showing up in my YouTube feed. Beautiful art work that was mesmerizing. Thank you to all who made these videos. Here is a my resources link to some of what hooked me.

Did I say I’ve gone down the Rabbit Hole? I’m losing time experimenting with the software and looking at the amazing art. I am in that really fun stage of not knowing much, but trying to learn as fast as I can.

It’s playtime!

At this point I’m not sure what I will do with it. I’ve experimented with different phrases and different initial images. I’ve brought the images into Photoshop and played there. Do I composite the images with other things I’ve created? What happens when I tweak settings in the software?

Here’s a link to my gallery of a few images.


3 Initial Images Experiment


Crystalline Glaze Formula