I’m a Doodler

Tape Man Doodle

I have a confession.

I’m a doodler. I’m not one of those doodlers that create beautiful elaborate designs. But instead I draw funky little quick sketches on scraps of paper, napkins. Pretty much anything.

I’ve done it all of my life. But recently it’s gotten worse or better depending upon how you look at it. Most of the time I throw them away. A couple months ago I started putting them in a pile and going back to look through them.

I like to doodle when I’m on the phone. And since I’m isolating a lot my main contact with outside people is on the phone. So I guess that explains why I’m doodling more. I like to think it doesn’t distract from my presence on the phone. But I’m not sure about that.

Sometimes I will be making notes about what we are talking about, but most of the time it seems like there is no relationship to the conversation.

As I mentioned, recently I’ve been looking at them instead of automatically throwing them away. They aren’t great drawings by any means. But they usually make me smile.

With the quarantine I’ve been thinking about what projects or things I’d like to learn. And that’s when I decided to learn Adobe Illustrator. I’ve used it before a long time ago, but with all it’s changes it feels like a totally different program from what I remember.

In a separate post I will talk about how that journey is going.

But back to my doodles. I’ve decided to try and translate my drawings into Illustrator vector art.

Here’s a preview of what I’ve done so far with the above doodle.


Vase 17